
This section contains original documents created for my tutorials.



This section contains personal notes and summaries for some B.Sc. Informatics lectures at TUM starting in 2022, written in Markdown using Joplin and exported as HTML documents. Alternatively, PDFs are available, albeit with shoddy formatting.

Entries marked with a checkmark (✔) are full lecture summaries, whereas the rest are only for specific parts of a lecture.

These summaries were not written with the intention of helping others.

I don't recommend using only these documents to prepare for exams - instead, I would advise you to create your own summaries or to find some alternatives. I wrote these summaries to suit my style of learning, which may be different to yours. As such, some specific topics may be incomplete or outright missing.

Older entries may also contain small LaTeX and markdown formatting issues, since I was still newly learning both concepts at the time. I also recommend reading these on a vertical monitor or in vertical format due to the formatting. It's the best I could do when using Joplin to export these files.

You may share these summaries, as long as you don't claim them as your own. A link back to this page would be best.

If you find a mistake in one of these summaries, please let me know!

1. Semester (WiSe 2022/23)

2. Semester (SoSe 2023)

3. Semester (WiSe 2023/24)