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hecke 2.
hecke package 1.
AddIndecomposable 3.5-9
AddRimHook 3.7-16
AdjustmentMatrix 3.5-4
BetaSet 3.8-9
CalculateDecompositionMatrix 3.5-6
Characteristic 3.2-2
Coefficient 3.9-4
CombineEQuotientECore 3.8-4
ConjugatePartition 3.8-8
ConjugateTableau 3.10-4
CrystalDecompositionMatrix 3.2-9
CrystalDecompositionMatrix, for an algebra and a filename 3.2-9
DecompositionMatrix 3.2-8
DecompositionMatrix, for an algebra and an integer 3.2-8
DecompositionMatrixMatrix 3.5-8
DecompositionNumber 3.2-10
DecompositionNumber, for a decomposition matrix 3.2-10
Dominates 3.8-12
EAbacus 3.8-1
ECore 3.8-1
EQuotient 3.8-3
ERegularPartitions 3.8-6
ERegulars 3.9-2
ERegulars, for a decomposition matrix 3.9-2
EResidueDiagram 3.7-13
EResidueDiagram, for modules 3.7-13
ETopLadder 3.8-11
EWeight 3.8-5
GoodNodeLatticePath 3.7-10
GoodNodeLatticePaths 3.7-10
GoodNodes 3.7-6
GoodNodes, for residues 3.7-6
GoodNodeSequence 3.7-8
GoodNodeSequences 3.7-8
HookLengthDiagram 3.7-14
InducedDecompositionMatrix 3.5-1
InnerProduct 3.9-5
InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule 3.7-12
InvertDecompositionMatrix 3.5-3
IsAlgebraObj 3.1-1
IsAlgebraObjModule 3.1-1
IsCrystalDecompositionMatrix 3.1-1
IsDecompositionMatrix 3.1-1
IsECore 3.8-2
IsERegular 3.8-7
IsFockModule 3.1-1
IsFockPIM 3.1-1
IsFockSchurModule 3.1-1
IsFockSchurPIM 3.1-1
IsFockSchurSimple 3.1-1
IsFockSchurWeyl 3.1-1
IsFockSimple 3.1-1
IsFockSpecht 3.1-1
IsHecke 3.1-1
IsHeckeModule 3.1-1
IsHeckePIM 3.1-1
IsHeckeSimple 3.1-1
IsHeckeSpecht 3.1-1
IsNewIndecomposable 3.5-2
IsSchur 3.1-1
IsSchurModule 3.1-1
IsSchurPIM 3.1-1
IsSchurSimple 3.1-1
IsSchurWeyl 3.1-1
IsSimpleModule 3.7-2
LatticePathGoodNodeSequence 3.7-10
LengthLexicographic 3.8-13
Lexicographic 3.8-14
ListERegulars 3.9-2
LittlewoodRichardsonCoefficient 3.7-11
LittlewoodRichardsonRule 3.7-11
MakeFockPIM 3.2-6
MakeFockSpecht 3.2-6
MakePIM 3.2-3
MakePIM, for a decomposition matrix 3.2-3
MakePIM, for a decomposition matrix and a module 3.2-3
MakePIM, for a module 3.2-3
MakeSimple 3.2-3
MakeSimple, for a decomposition matrix 3.2-3
MakeSimple, for a decomposition matrix and a module 3.2-3
MakeSimple, for a module 3.2-3
MakeSpecht 3.2-3
MakeSpecht, for a decomposition matrix 3.2-3
MakeSpecht, for a decomposition matrix and a module 3.2-3
MakeSpecht, for a module 3.2-3
MatrixDecompositionMatrix 3.5-7
MissingIndecomposables 3.5-11
MullineuxMap 3.7-3
MullineuxMap, for a decomposition matrix 3.7-3
MullineuxMap, for a module 3.7-3
MullineuxSymbol 3.7-4
NormalNodes 3.7-7
NormalNodes, for residues 3.7-7
OrderOfQ 3.2-2
PartitionBetaSet 3.8-10
PartitionGoodNodeSequence 3.7-9
PartitionMullineuxSymbol 3.7-5
RemoveIndecomposable 3.5-10
RemoveRimHook 3.7-15
ReverseDominance 3.8-15
RInducedModule 3.4-1
RInducedModule, for residues 3.4-1
RRestrictedModule 3.4-3
RRestrictedModule, for residues 3.4-3
SaveDecompositionMatrix 3.5-5
SaveDecompositionMatrix, for a filename 3.5-5
Schaper 3.7-1
Schur 3.2-7
Schur, for an integer 3.2-7
Schur, for to integers and a valuation map 3.2-7
Schur, for two integers 3.2-7
SemiStandardTableaux 3.10-2
SetOrdering 3.2-2
ShapeTableau 3.10-5
SimpleDimension 3.6-1
SimpleDimension, for a partition 3.6-1
SimpleDimension, for an algebra object and an integer 3.6-1
SInducedModule 3.4-2
SInducedModule, for residues 3.4-2
Specht 3.2-1
Specht, for an integer 3.2-1
Specht, for to integers and a valuation map 3.2-1
Specht, for two integers 3.2-1
SpechtDimension 3.6-2
SpechtDirectory 3.2-2
Specialized 3.9-1
Specialized, for a decomposition matrix 3.9-1
SplitECores 3.9-3
SplitECores, for a module and a partition 3.9-3
SplitECores, for two modules 3.9-3
SRestrictedModule 3.4-4
SRestrictedModule, for residues 3.4-4
StandardTableaux 3.10-3
Tableau 3.10-1
TypeTableau 3.10-6

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